Virtual Courses
We are now offering the following DLM Original Tibetan Scientific & Spiritual Breathwork Virtual Sessions:
Please submit the Course Request form below and Rami Pam will respond with price and schedule options for you. More detailed information about these courses can be found in The Tibetan Breathwork Section.
1. Introductory
Welcome ! Illuminating Lives is offering an Introductory series of the Teachings of Dr. Edwin J. Dingle. Dr. Dingle (known as “Ding Le Mei” or DLM) gained this knowledge in the early 1900’s from 21 years of study in the temples of Tibet, China and India.
This knowledge is based upon the wisdom and practices used by spiritual masters for thousands of years. These teachings offer a path to build a new consciousness – an enhanced way of living with specific methods for purifying the mind and body, and imbuing the body with radiant health. The Harmonic and 8 Key Breaths include detailed lessons, daily meditations, and potent affirmations.
The new 8-session series will begin on January 18, 2021 and will be completed on March 8, 2020. Class time begins at 7:00 pm through 9:00 pm. EST (ZOOM opens at 6:45 pm.EST) New and Full Moon meditations are also available. Fee: $300.00. ($37.50 weekly). You are welcome to utilize a payment plan. Scholarships are available for serious students.
The Scientific & Spiritual Breaths will be taught by Rev. Rami Pam of Illuminating Lives. Students will be guided to access Prana (our “Creative Spirit” “Life Force” or “Vital Principle”) so that they can create ever-renewing Health of Body, Mind and Spirit and access the means of Abundant Creation.
2. The Initiate Course
The Initiate Course: This Course is a Wonderful Refreshing Addition to Your Life! This class is offered as a Home Study and as a Home Study & Group Zoom Study. “Breath of Life” (Mentalyphysics/Brahmavidya) is an ancient unique scientific Yoga system of Right Thinking, Breathing and Meditation that literally Renews our Life To become Radiantly Healthy! Thousands of years old, this system was developed to remove the ROOT causes of illness and promote the Keys to Health, Success, and Transformation. In this method of Yoga and Philosophy it is maintained that spiritual functions are related to physiological functions of the ductless (Endocrine) glands. Dr. Edwin J. Dingle teaches rare meditation techniques not taught in the current normal classes outside of Mentalphysics. The role of meditation is emphasized in realizing the spiritual nature of a person and uses transformational exercises involving Breathing to support and nurture related physiological abilities. Blending these practices throughout the ORIGINAL 26 Initiate Course Lessons AND 8 Key Breath Exercises, the Teachings of Ding Le Mei (DLM) create powerful transformational awareness shifts of reality to assist each person into tapping into their God given Potential. As each person’s connection to their Divine Creator is strengthened, he/she is guided and empowered firmly and gently where the subconscious mind is assigned the central role in bringing about physiological radiant health and spiritual transformation. The ORIGINAL Eight Key Breaths for Scientific and Spiritual Breathing, and the simple yet unique meditations and affirmations are therefore Key to this system.
The Initiate Zoom Class is ongoing on Zoom and Home Study. Class begins at 6:45 pm through 9:00 pm. EST (ZOOM opens at 6:45 pm.) This 6 month course includes DLM’s original course, a color coded study guide for each Lesson developed by Rev. Rami Pam, an amazing DVD complete with all the 8 Key Breaths, Affirmations, and The Original DLM voice guiding us in The Healing Breath, a 2 Hour weekly Zoom group class, along with New and Full Moon Meditation Zoom classes.
3. Advanced Course: The Inner Chamber
The Inner Chamber consists of 126 Lessons – one lesson is studied per week… This class is offered as a Home Study and as a Home Study & Group Zoom Study. This course with accompanying color coded Study Guides developed by Rev. Rami Pam is only available after the successful completion of the Initiate Course. This course further deepens and transforms our lives with additional Teachings of the Ancient Breaths. Further information regarding The Higher Knowledge imparted in this course will be offered near the completion of The Initiate Course per Dr. Edward J. Dingle’s, DLM’s instructions. We currently have an ongoing Weekly Zoom Inner Chamber Class for all those who are currently studying The Inner Chamber.
4. Advanced Course: The Preceptor
This is the Teachers’ Training Course. This special mentorship course with accompanying color coded Study Guides dev. by Rev. Rami Pam is only available upon completion of both the Initiate and The Inner Chamber Course. The Student must have a sponsor for admission per Dr. Edward J. Dingle’s, DLM’s instructions. This class is offered as a Home Study and as a Home Study & Group Zoom Study. We currently have an ongoing Weekly Zoom Preceptor Class for all those who are currently studying The Preceptor Course.
Request a Virtual Course: